Meet Ieuan Morgan – Part of the Planet Family for 1 year!!

Meet Ieuan

Ieuan Morgan joined the Planet Recruitment family one year ago… in that time he has become a key member of our industrial team – probably the busiest desk in the business.

Ieuan is a great guy so we thought you’d like to get to know a little more about him…

So Ieuan, let’s start with an easy one… tell us a little about yourself..?

My name is Ieuan Morgan. I’m from Didcot. Relatively new to recruitment. I have come from a football coaching background previously. I’ve been married for 18 months, and my wife and I are expecting our first child in December! It’s both exciting and very nerve-racking… but we can’t wait!!


What brought you to Planet?

I knew our Director, Graham Cole, previously having coached two of his sons. Also, Ollie Thomas & I went to the same school. I saw they were looking for a trainee recruitment consultant. I messaged Ollie and here I am!


Did you come across anything that surprised you when you joined?

Obviously coming from a ‘non-recruitment’ background, I came in with no preconceptions. Not many surprises so far, which is good.


Tell us about your role

I work on the industrial desk at Planet Recruitment. My main role is to find candidates for jobs and then get them out to work.


Planet Recruitment – What’s it like to work there?

It’s great! Every day is different. There’s a good group of people here. The office has a good feel about it. The team we have on our desk is great, it feels like you’re working with your mates and not just work colleagues.


Favourite Planet Memory?

There’s been a few good moments at Planet. Within my first month here we did Tough Mudder, which was a good achievement, so I would probably say that!


The biggest challenge at Planet?

This job can be ruthless at times. Especially when you’ve worked hard to get someone a job and they then don’t show up 🤦‍♂️. Thankfully that hasn’t happened very often!

Meet Ieuan

What makes you tick outside work?

Like I said, I’m a football coach away from Planet. I’m in with the u16s at Oxford United three evenings a week and matches on a Saturday morning, so that keeps me pretty busy!


What’s your guilty pleasure?

I’m not sure I have a guilty pleasure; not one I want to admit here anyway! I would have to come back to you on that… 😆


So… I came across this photo. Please explain…?

My first Christmas party with the company. Too many beers, too early and not enough water! Very rooky error!


If you were to give advice to a 14-year-old you – what would it be?

Work hard in school. Do what makes you happy and follow any dreams with a passion and the desire to be the best at what you do.


If you were to give advice to a young person thinking of entering the world of recruitment, what would it be?

Do it! It’s a really rewarding job. Be prepared for stressful and long days though.

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